I love love LOVE crafts that I can make in one night. I was browsing Pinterest a year or so ago when I saw a pin for a pattern for slippers for adults. So I went to the site and she had all these cute little patterns for slippers! Moms, dads and kids slipper sizes. It was perfect! The site is Cool Cat Creations and she's from lil ole Canada just like us!!! WAAAAAY on the other side of Canada (New Brunswick!), just a HUGE hop, skip and a jump from us here in British Columbia. So I ordered the "Snappy Slippers & Travel Case" and the "Jack & Jill plus Tote" patterns. I made my daughter a pair of "Frozen" slippers with some fabric I had left over but (surprise surprise) she had a growth spurt in the middle of me trying to finish them in between other projects so they didn't fit.
Luckily the neighbour has a baby girl who can wear these hopefully in the winter. I made Shrimpydoo (my daughter!) another identical pair that fit which she has thoroughly worn in. I made another a bigger pair as an experiment to "downsize" the adult pattern to a youth (this was before I bought the Jack & Jill pattern) which didn't work out correctly for size so these will be for Shrimpydoo in the future!
I made myself a pair but I've REALLY worn them in and nobody in Internetland wants to see them (or maybe they do....?) but I'm for sure gonna make another pair when I decide what to use!
For Christmas last year, my sister gifted me 2 "Forest Friends by Ingrid Slyder for Moda" Charm Packs which are sooo cute. My little Dinkydoo really doesn't "get" slippers yet and he's a warm lil guy so maybe I'll make him a pair after the summer but I DID get to make my neighbour's little guy a cool pair of these! These are the "Jack" of the "Jack & Jill Pattern" and they turned out really awesome!!!
I love that you can embellish the slippers with the decorative stitching that I really NEVER get to use. Check out Gerri at Cool Cat Designs!! There are a few more patterns that I really need to get, some "Papa Bear Slippers" are definitely needed!! Oh and here is an obligatory photo of my crafting buddy Izzy, she's such a helpful puppy doggy!
Izzy the Wonder Dog!!!! "Can we please snuggle now?" ~Alicia